If you are fond of double-clicking the Title bar of a window to minimize but can't find the settings in System Preferences to enable this feature, read on[1].
Minimizing a Window under OS X Lion
Open System Preferences in OS X Lion. Click the Show All button. Click the General Icon. This opens a new window with several settings. (Click the image at the right to see a larger image) |
Minimizing a Window under OS X Mountain Lion
[1] A comment at news.ycombinator.com critized that this post title was misleading because there are other ways to minimize Mac OS windows, e.g., the power key method (Command+M) or the minimize button on the title bar itself. I explained at the outset of this blog that this post was for people who were fond of double-clicking the title bar to minimize, but I've adjusted the blog title nonetheless.
In case you're looking for it in Maverick, it's now in Dock, instead of General: leave it to Mac to confuse us more!
Posted by: Peter | Friday, 08 November 2013 at 04:36 PM
If you are running Mountain Lion, OS 10.8.x confirm you are clicking the Apple pulldown, then choosing DOCK -> Dock Preferences?
Posted by: SecuritySkeptic | Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 01:01 PM
I don't have a 'double click to minimize' check box anywhere on ML. Any suggestions?
Posted by: GOJewelry | Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 08:49 AM
I see the same behavior. It appears that you must hover over the top of the window to reveal the tool bar, reduce the window from full screen mode to normal mode, and then double click to minimize.
Posted by: The Security Skeptic | Thursday, 20 September 2012 at 11:22 PM
It works if I have the window partially opened, but it doesn't work when I have the window maximized open all the way taking up the screen. (I have os X and I have checked the whole double click thing in settings). Any ideas?
Posted by: bon | Thursday, 20 September 2012 at 10:29 PM